Friday, March 20, 2009

Zyban or Wellbutrin...

Zyban and Wellbutrin are both brand names for the generic drug, bupropion hydrochloride. While bupropion is not for everyone, it does have the advantage of lessening the discomforts associated with nicotine withdrawal. This can make cessation much more manageable for those people who haven't been able to successfully quit smoking using other methods.

Originally marketed as an anti-depressant drug, bupropion is available by prescription only. Its effectiveness as a quit smoking aid was discovered when smokers using it to treat depression also lost interest in smoking. People not planning to quit smoking found themselves stopping with relative ease. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually associated with quitting smoking were minimal.

In 1997, the FDA approved Zyban to be used as a quit smoking aid, and since then, bupropion has become a popular method to help smokers kick the habit. Bupropion, when used in combination with other nicotine replacement therapies, such as the nicotine patch or nicotine gum, increase the chances for long term success with smoking cessation.
Common Side Effects of Bupropion:
• dry mouth
• dizziness
• insomnia
• change in appetite
• agitation
• headaches
More serious side effects, such as seizures, while rare, can occur.

Bupropion is not for everyone. Listed below are conditions under which taking this drug would not be recommended.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I said YES to life today when I said NO to Nicotine

There are different ways, which enables a person to stop smoking as well as weight:

· Try to talk on subject other than smoking, enjoy yourself in others company.

· Take time to go out on long vacation to hill stations.

· Take drive to peaceful places like meadow, beach, and forests.

· Be optimist and try to escape aggression. Go for courses like sailing, painting, and yoga.

· Your energy is precious so do not waste it on less important task.

· Appreciate your subordinates and take pleasure in getting compliments.

· Adopt ‘never to say die’ attitude.

· Nurture hopes and goals within your self.

· Get involve in things, which give you feeling of relaxation and happiness. Let your inner self not to get heavy on you.

· Make new friends and be thankful to your blessings.

· Have a warm bath with good bath oils like lavender.

· Fancy yourself at an acquainted peaceful place and then try to relax your body parts one by one. The art is known as self-hypnosis.

· Tickle yourself with a comedy recording or a comedy video.

· Do not fix to daily routine and same dress. Change it time to time.

· Listen to cassettes regarding fatigue control.

· Try to tighten all body parts and then relax.

· Add brisk waking, cycling, deep breathing and swimming in your exercise. Enroll yourself in gym.

· Lend hand to needy person and involve with new activities whether social or cultural.

  • List your work according to priorities and tackle them with care giving top priority to your personal life and family.
  • If a task is bothering you, divide it into mall tasks.
  • Take a balanced diet consist of salad, green leafy vegetables and pulses.
  • Less salt, sugar, fat containing diet and visit dietician time to time.
  • Enjoy yourself with classical music and nature sound recordings.
  • Close your eyes and slowly focus your mind on one word, which makes you stress free.
  • Some hospitals conduct stress reduction classes. Call to get timings about next sessions.
  • Everyone cannot be right at every time so do not bother yourself over one subject. Choice is always available to everyone.
  • Set your exercise and relaxation schedule. Overdrinking of coffee can be dangerous.
  • Be thankful to all your comforts, friends, family and above all your work.

Above mention tips will certainly ensure you to stop smoking and have a happy and healthy stay.